File Upload for Vendor

Send file to Landlord for confirmation of Rental.

  • Title of the document
  • E.g. REN60000, PEA3000, E3009
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Signed Offer Letter "Agreement to Purchase" proposed by Purchaser.
  • Name of Vendor 1 as in IC.
  • Contact number of Vendor
  • E.g. Name (IC No. XXXXXX-YY-ZZZZ)
  • E.g. Lot 1234 Block 23 Muara Tebas Land District
  • Postal Address of Property
  • E.g. Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand
  • E.g. 560,000
  • E.g. 3%
  • E.g. 15,000
  • Name(s) of Purchaser 1
  • Contact No of Purchaser 1
  • E.g. Name (IC No. XXXXXX-YY-ZZZZ)
  • I/we declare that the information provided here is true and correct.
  • Sign as to agree and accept the offer to PURCHASE.
  • Sign to agree

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